It is expected that one or more of the following will be cited whenever
results obtained using SHELXS-96 are published:
G.M. Sheldrick, Acta Cryst. A46 (1990) 467-473. Phase Annealing
in SHELX-90; Direct Methods for Larger Structures.
G.M. Sheldrick, Z. Dauter, K.S. Wilson, H. Hope & L.C. Sieker, Acta Cryst.
D49 (1993) 18-23. The Application of Direct Methods and Patterson
Interpretation to High-Resolution Native Protein Data.
G.M. Sheldrick, Methods in Enzymology (eds. C.W. Carter & R.M. Sweet) (1996)
in press. Patterson Superposition and Ab Initio Phasing.
For a satirical description of the SHELX programming philosophy see:
Current Contents (Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences), Vol. 29, Number 41
(1989) page 14.